The real-world car running costs around the UK revealed

The real-life annual cost of keeping a car running has been revealed by new research, which has also uncovered large regional differences in how much motorists pay.

The research looked at various elements of car ownership, from insurance and tax to commuting and parking costs - but excluding maintenance and repairs - to estimate that the average driver spends £293 a month on their car. 

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Researchers also analysed average earnings to establish that the average UK driver spends just over 15 per cent of their salary on car-related costs. However, the study also found significant variations around the country in terms of outright costs and the proportion of earnings they took up.

Londoners fare worst, spending £404 per month - or 17.6 per cent of their monthly salary - on fuel, insurance, tax and parking. Insurance and parking alone cost the average Londoner £338 a month, although commuting costs are a relatively low £33 per month. 

Car running costs by region (Data: Moneybarn)

# UK Region £ per month of car ownership % of monthly earnings
1 London 404 17.6%
2 South East 315 15.5%