School life: Cakes and bakes for Children in Need

Chloe, Head of FundraisingChloe, Head of Fundraising
Chloe, Head of Fundraising
Todmorden High School's head of fundraising and events, Chloe organised a bake-sale which was held last Friday; the bake-sale was a great success, with many staff and students bringing and baking cakes for the cause and a great turn out of customers buying cakes and donating.

Students were also invited to wear a different tie than their usual one to school and donate £1 in order to do so.

This is the second charity event Chloe has overseen since she took on the ambassador role of ‘head of fundraising and events’ after raising almost £400 for the MacMillan Charity.

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Chloe has helped out with a number of other fundraising events throughout her time at Todmorden High School, including the recent food bank appeal, where the school collected a vast selection of food items to donate to our local food bank.

Chloe is really enjoying this role and has shown a great amount of confidence and maturity in the process; we are confident that we are going to see great things from her in the future!

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