More than half of Brits admit to being fans of 'property porn'

New research has revealed that we are a nation of property peeping toms, with more than HALF of Brits (52%) admitting to having indulged in ‘property porn’ online within the last year.

The term ‘property porn’ is used to describe a type of television programme, magazine article, online listings which shows off desirable homes, especially houses in beautiful locations or with luxurious interiors and we as a nation love getting our fix often spending hours scrolling through properties every day.

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But for many, this often leads to overindulgence with 16% of Brits admitting that they feel they suffer from a ‘Property Porn’ addiction because of the length of time they spend viewing properties.

While more than 14% admit that they are worried some of their friends have an addiction.

Keeping it a secret

A shocking 79% of Brits are unashamed about their property porn habits but more than a third (37%) of Brits also admit to keeping their property peeping secret from their partner to avoid difficult conversations.

And almost a third (29%) say it is now a hobby for them, with 33% blaming the pandemic for the increase in time spent searching for property porn.

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The research commissioned by property letting agency